Log In


Defines when an experience is activated based on Proximity.


Triggered when a user has not previously entered the place, and the first beacon from any zone that compose the place is detected.

  "@type": "EnterPlaceTrigger",
  "placeId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g"


Triggered when the user has entered a place and then left. The place is considered as left when all the beacons within it are out of reach.

  "@type": "ExitPlaceTrigger",
  "placeId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g"


Triggered when a user has not previously entered the zone, and the first beacon that compose the zone is detected.

  "@type": "EnterZoneTrigger",
  "zoneId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g"


Triggered when the user has entered a zone and then left. The zone is considered as left when all the beacons within it are out of reach.

  "@type": "ExitZoneTrigger",
  "zoneId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g"


Triggered when a user has not previously entered the beacon range, and the beacon is detected.

  "@type": "EnterBeaconTrigger",
  "beaconId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g"


Triggered when the user has entered a beacon's range and then left.

  "@type": "ExitBeaconTrigger",
  "beaconId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g"

Dwell Trigger

Triggered when the device is within range for the defined amount of milliseconds.

  "@type":"enter place/zone/beacon trigger",


When checked, this trigger invokes an app-provided custom callback. The callback is invoked with a provided string attribute and returns a boolean value of whether the trigger has been activated or not.

  "@type": "CustomTrigger",
  "customArgument": "CustomTriggerCallback"


A collection of triggers, fired when ALL children triggers are active.

  "@type": "CompositeTrigger",
  "list": [
      "@type": "ZoneProximityTrigger",
      "zoneId": "8Q9mI6TyKhGXIMvlz1jr7g",
      "proximity": "Near"
      "@type": "CustomTrigger",
      "customArgument": "CustomTriggerCallback"