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Represents a physical place. Can be composed of Zones and Beacons.

The Place object

createdAtlongAutogeneratedCreation date (timestamp UTC).
updatedAtlongAutogeneratedLast update time (timestamp UTC).
placeIdstringAutogeneratedPlace identifier.
accountIdstringYesId of the parent Account.
config.namestringYesName of the Place.
config.descriptionstringNoDescription of the Place.
config.geoFenceGeoFenceNoGeoFence data of the place.
config.geoFence.latitudedoubleYesThe latitude of the center of the GeoFence. Valid range: [-90, 90]
config.geoFence.longitudedoubleYesThe longitude of the center of the GeoFence. Valid range: [-180, 180]
config.geoFence.radiusfloatYesThe radius of the GeoFence. Minimum value: 100
config.geoFence.geoTagGeoTagNoLocalization data of the GeoFence.
zonesZone listNo (Read only view)List of Zones contained in the Place
  "createdAt": 1491816253020,
  "updatedAt": 1492010406138,
  "placeId": "rzwbxsgXSRSxqdjSe7xZTQ",
  "accountId": "TAPFXFowToO4dFsktFzz9Q",
  "config": {
    "name": "Innoquant HQ",
    "description": "This is our office!",
    "geoFence": {
      "latitude": 41.46728360204384,
      "longitude": 2.0912861824035645,
      "radius": 100,
      "type": 0,
      "geoTag": {
        "country": "ES",
        "region": "Catalunya",
        "county": "Barcelona",
        "locality": "Sant Cugat del Vallès, 57",
        "postCode": "08172",
        "streetName": "Avinguda de la Torre Blanca",
        "countryFID": "429f72bc-81ab-d2cc-438a-ace356bde631",
        "regionFID": "082a01de-81ab-d2cc-438a-ace356bde631",
        "countyFID": "082a09e0-81ab-d2cc-438a-ace356bde631",
        "localityFID": "0832922c-81ab-d2cc-438a-ace356bde631",
        "displayName": "Avinguda de la Torre Blanca, Sant Cugat del Vallès, 57, 08172, Barcelona"
  "zones": [
      "createdAt": 1491816253021,
      "updatedAt": 1492010611380,
      "zoneId": "1udDPRkMQrKivHgU8vIyUg",
      "placeId": "rzwbxsgXSRSxqdjSe7xZTQ",
      "config": {
        "name": "HQ Entrance",
        "description": "Building entrance",
        "floorNumber": 0,
        "category": "Entrance",
        "enabled": true,
        "type": "BeaconGroup",
        "provider": "MOCA"
      "placeName": "Innoquant HQ"