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App objects represent mobile apps in MOCA platform.

The App object


createdAtlongAutogeneratedCreation date (timestamp UTC)
updatedAtlongAutogeneratedLast modified date (timestamp UTC)
appIdstringAutogeneratedApp ID
appSecretstringAutogeneratedUsed to connect MOCA SDK to all services
accountIdstringYesAccount ID this app belongs to.
config.namestringYesApp short name
config.descriptionstringNoApp description
config.appUrlstringNoApp website URL
config.versionstringNoApp version string
config.categorystringNoApp category name
config.iconUrlstringNoApp icon URL
config.approxAppSizestringNoEstimated volume of users of this app
config.productionbooleanYes (default false)Whether the App is connected to a Test or Production environment
targetsarray of objectsNoThe list of Push certificates of this App.
  "createdAt": 1491817192134,
  "updatedAt": 1491830647928,
  "appId": "IXa7Bl9oRo6c7zQ5aQIzlg",
  "appSecret": "lJiLBbqHcVc3gyPoZujm6wqouGs=",
  "accountId": "TAPFXFowToO4dFsktFzz9Q",
  "config": {
    "appUrl": "https://mocaplatform.com",
    "category": "Utilities",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "This is a sample app",
    "iconUrl": "https://console.mocaplatform.com/images/moca-logo-standalone-72x72.png",
    "name": "TestApp",
    "approxAppSize": "<2500",
    "production": false
  "targets": []