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An analytics filter query defines a boolean expression that determines which data is included/aggregated into a metric.

A basic query has the following format:

"filters": [
  { "field": <field1>, "relOp": <op1>, "value": <value1> },
  { "field": <field2>, "relOp": <op2>, "value": <value2> }, ...

Where field1 is the field to be filtered, as defined in Overview, relOp the operation to be applied over the field, and value1 the argument for such operation.


Relational Operators

Available operators are: =, <, <=, >, >=, <>, !=, is, is not and in

Omitting relOp is equivalent to using the = operator.

"filters": [
  { "field": "user:lang", "value": "en" },
  { "field": "device:os", "relOp": "!=", "value": "Android" }

When applying this filter, gathered metrics will contain data from English non-Android devices.