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Query expressions

A Segment's Query defines a boolean expression that determines if a user/instance belongs to that given Segment.

A basic query has the following format:

  "$<group-operator>": [
    { "<field1>": { "$<operator>": "<value1>" } },
    { "<field2>": { "$<operator>": "<value2>" } },

Where is the root expression, containing two nested expressions ( and ).

  "$all": [
    { "lang" : { "$eq" : "en" } },
    { "os" : { "$ne" : "Android" } }

Will match all devices that have an English language setting AND their Operative System is NOT Android.

Additionally, group expressions can be nested:

  "$all": [
    { "os" : { "$ne" : "Android" } },
    { "$any": [
      { "lang" : { "$eq" : "en" } },
      { "lang" : { "$eq" : "es" } }
    ] }

This expression will match non-Android devices with either English or Spanish language.


Valid root operators are:

  • $all : All child expressions are required to accept the segment
  • $any : Only one child is required to accept the segment

Valid expression operators are:

  • $eq : The field's value is equal to the specified value
  • $ne : The field's value is not equal to the specified value
  • $lt : The field's value is less than the specified value.
  • $gt : The field's value is greater than the specified value.
  • $lte : The field's value is not greater than the specified value.
  • $gte : The field's value is not less than the specified value.
  • $in : The field's value is in a list of specified values.
  • $nin : The field's value is not in a list of specified values.
  • $like : SQL like expression, used to match values. e.g. "%campaign%"
  • $matches : Regex expression, used to match values. e.g. "User\s\d+"
  • $startsWith : The field's value starts with the specified value.
  • $endsWith : The field's value ends with the specified value.
  • $contains : The field's value contains the specified value.

Additionally, you may skip the operator for $eq expressions:

  • { "field" : { "$eq": "value" } } -> { "field" : "value" }

All operators work on a best effort basis: They will try to match data for every possible value type, and will work even if the field's value and the specified value are of different format.


Evaluation exception handling

In the case that the evaluation is not possible, the expression is evaluated to false.

All the following expressions are accepted:

  • [1,2,3] $contains 2
  • "Hello" $contains "lo"
  • "34" $gt 10 (The string can be parsed as a number)
  • 1 $eq true (1 is a Truthy value)


Field expressions are JSON-like variables that can also be nested if the field is an object.

Given "address" : { "country": "Spain", "city": "Barcelona" }
"address.country" -> "Spain"

Some of the available fields are the following:

  • lang : device language as configured by user
  • country : device country as configured by user
  • os : operating system name
  • os_version : os version
  • app_name : application name
  • app_version : app version extracted from app bundle
  • device_type : type of device (E.g. iPad)
  • device_model : manufacturer model of the device (E.g. iPhone 5)
  • geo_hash : latest known user geo-location (if enabled) expressed as a geo-hash code.
  • st : last updated at timestamp UTC
  • session _number : number of times the user has opened the app
  • tags : array of tag names the user has been tagged with
  • tags.XXX : current value of the tag XXX (numerical)
  • user.XXX : custom field added through MOCA SDK

You can get a complete list by accessing Get all fields