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Campaigns represent marketing campaigns within an app that take place in a period of time and usually target a segment of the users.

NOTE: Campaigns that are created or their end date is extended once they are finished/archived require the Start Campaign call.

The Campaign Object

createdAtlongAutogeneratedCreation date (timestamp UTC).
updatedAtlongAutogeneratedLast modification date (timestamp UTC).
campaignIdstringAutogeneratedCampaign Identifier
appIdstringYesApplication id.
config.namestringYesName of the Campaign.
config.descriptionstringNoDescription of the Campaign.
config.typeenumYesType of the Campaign. Valid values: Proximity, Push.
config.startAtlongYesCampaign start date (timestamp UTC).
config.endAtlongYes (For Proximity campaigns)Campaign end date (timestamp UTC).
config.segmentIdstringNoId of the target segment.
config.groupId*stringNoId of the Group this Campaign belongs to.
config.displayCap*integerNoMaximum number of experiences that will be triggered within the Campaign.
config.displayWaitMs*integerNoMinimum delay between experiences triggered within the Campaign.
config.recurrence.hoursOfDayarrayNoArray of hours when the Campaign can be triggered. E.g. [1, 2] will cause the Campaign to trigger only if the time is between 01:00 and 02:59, or 01:XX or 02:XX.
config.recurrence.daysOfWeekarrayNoArray of days when the Campaign can be triggered. Sunday=1, Monday=2, up to Saturday=7
statusstringAutogeneratedCurrent status of the campaign.
statusAtlongAutogeneratedLast status update date (timestamp UTC).


Advanced settings

Fields marked with * will not be displayed in the response payload if not set.

  "createdAt": 1494402647390,
  "updatedAt": 1494498973170,
  "appId": "IXa7Bl9oRo6c7zQ5aQIzlg",
  "campaignId": "dexNkpsVRPKdgkh6d6uDgg",
  "config": {
    "name": "HQ Office Welcome",
    "description": "Welcome experiences in our Office",
    "type": "Proximity",
    "startAt": 1494403200000,
    "endAt": 1525939200000,
    "segmentId": "fe9NBA8DRdCIDmmEhy3T2w",
    "displayCap": 3,
    "displayWaitMs": 1800000
  "status": "New",
  "statusAt": 1494498473833