One way to set user interests, is by using MOCA Tags
Tags are small items of information with well defined semantics.
Each tag is associated with a counter (integer). The counter is used to track how many times the user was tagged or to sum points associated with the tag.
Tags are defined in MOCA Console or by the app.
For example:
Video Store
Tags can be attached to specific locations by using beacons or programmatically by API.
Tag counters are used to rank the tags.
MOCA provides the following methods to manipulate Tags.
@interface MOCAInstance
#pragma mark Tags
* Add a tag to this instance and increment its value by 1.
* Add a tag with a given value to this instance.
* @value - update expression with syntax [=|+|-] <double> value.
* For example "+1" increments the tag value by 1.
* For example "-2" decrements the tag value by 2.
* For example "3" or "=3" assign value of 3 to the tag's value.
-(void)addTag:(NSString*)tagName withValue:(NSString*)value;
* Checks if this instance contains a specific tag.
* @return <code>YES</code> if the instance contains a tag, or <code>NO</code> otherwise.
* Retrieves a value of a specific tag associated with this instance.
* @return tag value or <code>nil</code> if the tag doest not exist.
* Retrieves top-k tags ranked by values.
-(NSArray*)getTopTags:(unsigned int)topK;
* Retrieves names of all tags associated with this instance.
#pragma mark
// MARK: Tags
* Add a tag to this instance and increment its value by 1.
func addTag(_ tagName: String)
* Add a tag with a given value to this instance.
* @value - update expression with syntax [=|+|-] <double> value.
* For example "+1" increments the tag value by 1.
* For example "-2" decrements the tag value by 2.
* For example "3" or "=3" assign value of 3 to the tag's value.
func addTag(_ tagName: String, withValue value: String)
* Checks if this instance contains a specific tag.
* @return <code>YES</code> if the instance contains a tag, or <code>NO</code> otherwise.
func containsTag(_ tagName: String) -> Bool
* Retrieves a value of a specific tag associated with this instance.
* @return tag value or <code>nil</code> if the tag doest not exist.
func getTagValue(_ tagName: String) -> NSNumber
* Retrieves top-k tags ranked by values.
func getTopTags(_ topK: UInt) -> [Any]
* Retrieves names of all tags associated with this instance.
func allTags() -> [Any]