API Reference
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The following section describes MOCA JavaScript SDK public interface. Here you can find the SDK initialization and other important methods, all with working examples.


This function initializes a new instance of the MOCA SDK. All new instances are added to the main moca object as sub properties (such as moca.library_name) and also returned by this function.

moca.init({ api_token: <apiToken>, 
	user_id : <userId>, 
track_pageload : true, // optional
	disable_cookie : false, // optional
	http_post : false // optional

Available arguments:

  • api_token (string, required) - your MOCA API token
  • user_id (string, optional) - logged-in user identifier (usually CRM ID)
  • track_pageload (boolean, optional, defaults true) - indicates if the pageview event should be automatically tracked
  • disable_cookie (boolean, optional, defaults false) - disables cookies in the SDK
  • http_post (boolean, optional, defaults false) - forces tracker to use POST request to contact MOCA backend.

The user_id parameter is an optional string that uniquely identifies the logged-in user. If the user is not logged in or browses a public page, do not use the user_id parameter.

By default, the execution of this code snippet will initialize MOCA SDK. The snippet will initialize an instance of the minified library to keep your website loading quickly even if placed in the of the page. Once loaded, it will send a single event to indicate a particular web page has been viewed. (_pageview event).

The snippet provides a global variable named window.moca that you can use to send data to the MOCA backend API.

Tracking custom events

This method tracks a single custom event triggered by a user in your Web Application. This is the most important and frequently used MOCA function. Note that this API call is asynchronous.

moca.trackEvent ("eventName", {parameters});


  • eventName` (string, required) - the name of the event. This can be anything the user does, “view”, “search”, “buy”, etc.
  • parameters (object, required) - a set of properties to include with the event you are sending. These describe the details about the event itself.
  • callback (no-parameters callback function, optional) - if provided, the callback function will be called after tracking the event.

Simple example:

moca.trackEvent ("search_view", { 
  category: "exhibitor",
  item: "394875" 

Example with call-back:

moca.trackEvent ("search_view", { 
category: "exhibitor",
item: "394875" 
  function () {
     console.log ("Event submitted to MOCA");

Recommend content

Provides personalized recommendations for a logged-in user. This API call is asynchronous.


moca.recommend ({
item_type : <string>,
	limit : <integer>,
success : function (items) { … },
error : function (errorMessage) { … }


  • item_type (string, required): requested item type to be recommended. Valid item types include “exhibitor”, “session”, “speaker” and “visitor”.
  • limit (integer, required): maximum number of items to recommend.
  • success (single parameter callback function, obligatory): the callback function will be called after successfully receiving the recommendations. The callback receives a single parameter (items) that provides access to an array of recommended items.
  • items: returned array of recommended items. Each item is a JavaScript object and contains two fields:
    • itemId: recommended item identifier
    • score: numeric scores (highest first)
  • error (single parameter callback function, optional) - the callback function will be called when an error occurs. The callback receives a single parameter with the errorMessage.

Example: Get top 10 sessions recommendations for currently logged-in user:

moca.recommend ({
item_type : "sessions",   // recommend sessions
    	limit : 20,		      // maximum 20 recommendations
    	success : function (items) {
		for (int i=0; i<items.length; ++i) {
		    console.log (items[i].itemId + “ “ + items[i].score);	
		// store and display recommendations 
    	error : function (errorMessage) {
       	// cannot obtain recommendations
		console.log (“Cannot obtain recommendations: “ + errorMessage);
       	// retry later

Variables captured by the MOCA JS SDK Automatically

The MOCA JS SDK captures the following variables automatically. These enable in-depth analytics of your Web App’s audience. Here’s the complete list:

_idThis is the internal, auto-generated event identifier (UUID).
typeThis is the type of event. The MOCA JS SDK sends the type as _webevent.
verbThis is the eventName for the recorded event.
tThis is the timestamp when the event happened, expressed in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC.
urlThis is the full URL where the event happened.
langThis is the locale reported by the Window Navigator Object.
screen_widthThis is the reported screen width of the browser window, in logical pixels.
screen_heightThis is the reported screen height of the browser window, in logical pixels.
user_agentThis is the browser’s user agent string reported by the Window Navigator Object.
domainThis is the domain where the event took place extracted from the page url.
onlineReturns true if the browser is online
cookie_enabledThis returns true if cookies are enabled in the browser.
referring_urlThis is the URL that referred to your WebApp
referring_domainThis is the URL’s domain that referred to your WebApp
instanceThis is an internal unique user identifier, used primarily to identify guest users on their device.
app_keyThis is the API Token you use to initialize the SDK.
userThis is the ID you assign to a logged in user.
moca_versionThis is the library version for the MOCA JS SDK present