API Reference
API Reference

Import the Plugin

In your Dart code, import the Moca Flutter Plugin:

import 'package:moca_flutter/moca_flutter.dart';

Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK with your Moca credentials when your app starts:

void main() async {
  // Method: initializeSDK(String appKey, String appSecret)
  // Use test credentials in non-production environments.
  final result = await Moca.initializeSDK("your_app_key", "your_app_secret");
  if (result.isSuccess) {
    print("Moca SDK initialized successfully");
  } else {
    print("Error initializing Moca SDK: ${result.error}");

Moca credentials are available in the Moca Console. Please refer to this section for a step by step tutorial.

Identify the User

Set a stable unique identifier for the User to track user-specific events.

Future<MocaResult<void>> setUserId(String userId);

Set custom metadata for the User

To set an optional dictionary of custom metadata for the user, call:

Future<MocaResult<bool?>> setProperties(Map<String, dynamic> props);