- To sense user interests, MOCA uses Tags.
- Tags are small items of information with well defined semantics.
- Each tag is associated with a counter. The counter is used to track how many times the user was tagged or to sum points associated with the tag.
- Tags are defined in MOCA Console or by the app.
- For example:
Video Store
- Tags can be attached to specific locations by using beacons or programmatically by API.
- Tag counters are used to rank the tags.
-A single Tag is modeled as follows:
* MOCATag represents a category of interest. Sample tags include "books",
* "video", "music", "food", or
public interface MOCATag {
* Get tag's name.
* @return tag name
public String getName();
* Get tag's weight.
* @return weight value
public double getValue();
* Get date tag was created.
* @return UTC timestamp
public long getCreatedAt();
* Get last modification date.
* @return UTC timestamp
public long getModifiedAt ();
MOCA provides the following methods to manipulate Tags.
* Retrieves a collection of tags for this instance.
public Set<MOCATag> getTags();
* Add a tag to this instance and increment its value by 1.
public void addTag (String tagName);
* Add a tag with a given value to this instance.
* @value - update expression with syntax [=|+|-] <double> value.
* For example "+1" increments the tag value by 1.
* For example "-2" decrements the tag value by 2.
* For example "3" or "=3" assign value of 3 to the tag's value.
public void addTag (String tagName, String value);
* Checks if this instance contains a specific tag.
* @return <code>YES</code> if the instance contains a tag, or <code>NO</code> otherwise.
public boolean containsTag (String tagName);
* Retrieves a value of a specific tag associated with this instance.
* @return tag value or <code>nil</code> if the tag doest not exist.
public Double getTagValue (String tagName);