Log In

The following are a set of required and optional configuration values you should set in your config.xml

KeyTypeDefault ValueDescription
moca_app_keyString (required)App key from MOCA Console
moca_app_secretString (required)App secret from MOCA Console
moca_log_levelString"info"MOCA SDK logging level:
* error
moca_cache_disk_size_in_mbInteger100Maximum local disk space available for SDK cache.
moca_automatic_push_setup_enabledBOOLYESIf enabled, the SDK will automatically subscribe the app to push notification services and obtain push token.
moca_proximity_service_enabledBOOLYESEnables or disables Bluetooth Beacon monitoring and ranging & geofence detection using iOS Location Services
moca_geolocation_service_enabledBOOLYESEnables/disables tracking of significant changes in user location by GPS/Cellular Trilateration/Wifi.

When enabled (YES), user location will be tracked when the app is in foreground. Additionally, background tracking is controlled by BACKGROUND_LOCATION_ENABLED flag. This is the default.

When disabled (NO), user location will not be tracked at all (neither in foreground nor on background). However, Bluetooth beacons and geofences will still be detected if this flag is set to NO.
moca_background_location_enabledBOOLYESEnables/disables location tracking when the app is in background or suspended mode.

This flag has no effect if GEOLOCATION_SERVICE_ENABLED is set to NO.

By default background location tracking is enabled.

For further app permission configuration requirements please checkout iOS' and Android's different needs.